Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) Two Assessment Area Examples: Oral Communication: Organizes thoughts and expresses them in a clear and logical manner, quickly comprehends another’s meaning, uses appropriate vocabulary, correct grammar, and appropriate non-verbal communication (gestures, etc.). 1. Expresses ideas clearly and concisely. 2. Answers questions completely and precisely. Speaks with a voice that exhibits an appropriate command presence. 3. Relates thoughts in an organized manner. Gives concise answers to questions. Demonstrates effective active listening behaviors (e.g., leans forward, nods in agreement, repeats statements back, verbalizes understanding). 4. Clearly enunciates words. Attentively leans forward. 5. Voices ideas randomly or several at a time. 6. Interrupts others inappropriately. Excessive use of filler words, phrases (umm, like I said, etc.) 7. Fails to listen to questions asked by role player(s). Uses incorrect words or grammar in respon...