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Can you please carry out an analysis of the recent Climate Change Survey data and prepare a Memorandum

The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a dataset that has been produced as a result of the survey you conducted on Climate Change. You now need to interrogate the dataset in order to answer questions posed by your client, the Australian Government. Ultimately, you will need to analyse the data, interpret the results, and then draw appropriate conclusions.
The aims of the assignment are to:
• provide you with some examples of the application of data analysis
• test your understanding of the material presented in the relevant topics
• test your ability to analyse data and interpret your results
• test your ability to effectively communicate your results to others
Before attempting the assignment, make sure you have prepared yourself well. At a minimum, please read the relevant sections of the prescribed textbook and review the materials provided in Modules 1 and 2 (i.e. Topics 1 to 7).
The Australian Government has previously commissioned you, Ellyse Perry (Chief Analyst at Survey House), to develop a survey to help them gauge the views of the Australian public regarding “Climate Change”. Now, in order to implement possible Climate Change policy initiatives, the Government, through their representative Daisy Pearce (Manager, Public Relations in the Prime Minister’s Office), wants you to interpret the data gathered from your survey and then answer several questions.
Daisy does not have an analytics background, so it’s important that you utilise “plain, easy to understand language” in your answers. If you believe you need to include any technical terms, then you must explain these in a clear and succinct manner.
The questions you need to answer are contained in the following memorandum.
Date: 24th April, 2020
To: Ellyse Perry, Chief Analyst, Survey House
From: Daisy Pearce, Manager, Public Relations, PM’s Office
Subject: Analysis of Climate Change Survey Data
Dear Ellyse,
Can you please carry out an analysis of the recent Climate Change Survey data (contained in the file
ClimateChangeSurvey.xlsx) and prepare a Memorandum reply to me containing answers to the following
My specific questions are:
Q1. An Overall View of “Monthly_Payment” spend per month
Can you provide me with an overall summary of the amount people are willing to pay monthly in order to have a net zero electricity bill sourced entirely through renewable energy (e.g. solar panels with backup battery)? A summing up of the variable “Monthly_Payment” just by itself, would be useful.
Q2. “Monthly_Payment” vs “Concerned”
I am interested in how the “Monthly_Payment” amount people are willing to pay for renewable energy relates to how “Concerned” people are with the current situation regarding Climate Change. In particular, does there appear to be any difference in how much people are prepared to pay monthly on renewable energy compared to the “Concerned” responses of: Not concerned; Slightly concerned; Somewhat concerned; Very concerned, and Extremely concerned.
Q3. Climate Change Affordability Measures
(a) Can you estimate the average “Monthly_Payment” amount people are willing to pay for renewable energy in Australia?
(b) Climate Change is a global concern and there are countries that do not have the financial resources to address their local Climate Change circumstances. Therefore, I’m interested to know if you can estimate the proportion of all Australians who believe that Australia should financially “Support” developing countries in their efforts to address Climate Change.
Q4. Climate Change Views
(a) A previous report published by one of the national daily newspapers indicated that the proportion of Australians who have Already Installed or Plan to Install “Solar_Panels” on their homes is no more than 25%. An industry energy group has responded to this report by claiming that the rate has been understated and the true figure is higher. Can you check this industry group’s claim?
(b) Another point of contention made in the report was the amount of money Australians would be
prepared to make an up-front payment (“Up_Front_Payment”) in order to have net zero electricity bills
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Assignment Two (Ver DU-A) Page 4 through renewable energy. The report states that it is, on average, less than $21,500. The same industry energy group has responded by claiming that the amount of money Australians are prepared to pay up-front is at least $21,500. Could you please also check this claim by the industry group?
Q5. Relationships
I would like to see whether factors listed below provide any explanation of the amount people are willing to pay monthly (“Monthly_Payment”) in order to have net zero electricity bills through renewable energy. If so, can you also indicate which factor is the most important?
(a) “Income”
(b) “Age”
Q6. Appropriate Sample Size
Finally, I am concerned that the sample of 400 Australians is too small to provide accurate results as this seems hardly enough data. For a survey we intend to undertake next year, we would like to be able to:
(a) estimate the proportion of Australians that are Aware or Very Aware of Climate Change to within 3%, and
(b) accurately estimate the average monthly payment (“Monthly_Payment”) amount people are willing to pay in order to have net zero electricity bills through renewable energy to within $20.
How many Australians would we need to include in next year’s survey to satisfy both of these requirements?

Memorandum Requirements
• Your memorandum reply should be no longer than 3 pages and there is no need to include a Table of
Contents, any visualisations (i.e. Charts and Tables), or Appendices in the Memorandum. The
Charts/Graphics and Tables you create are only to be placed in the Data Analysis file (i.e. the Excel
spreadsheet) and not reproduced in the memorandum.
• Suggested Word formatting for the memorandum: Single‐line spacing; no smaller that 10‐ point font; page margins approx. 25mm, and good use of white space.
• Your memorandum must, however, have a cover sheet containing your particulars and Unit details.
• Set out the memorandum in the same order as in the originating Memorandum from Daisy, with each section (question) clearly marked.
• Use plain language and keep your explanations succinct. Avoid the use of technical or statistical jargon. As a guide to the meaning of “Plain Language”, imagine you are explaining your findings to a person without any statistical training (e.g. someone who has not studied this unit). What type of language would you use in that case?
• Marks will be lost if you use unexplained technical terms, irrelevant material, or have poor
• All Microsoft Excel output associated with each question in the Memorandum is to be placed in the
corresponding tab in the file ClimateChange_yourstudentid.xlsx
Data Analysis Instructions/Guidelines
In order to prepare a reply to Daisy’s memorandum, you will need to examine and analyse the dataset
ClimateChangeSurvey.xlsx thoroughly.
Daisy has asked a number of questions and your Data Analysis output (i.e. your charts/tables/graphs) should be structured such that you answer each question on the separate tab/worksheet provided in your Excel document.
There are also three extra tabs in ClimateChangeSurvey.xlsx called CI, HT and SS and you may use the various templates contained in these tabs in your “Confidence Interval”, “Hypothesis” and “Sample Size” answers should you wish to do so.


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