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Showing posts from April, 2020

Identify attributes of leadership styles and approaches that facilitate quality supervision

Take a minute and think about the supervisors you have had in the workplace. What were characteristics of effective supervisors? As you reflect on these experiences, consider how supervision affected your ability to complete the tasks associated with your job. Also, think about how leadership styles can influence the relationship between social workers and their supervisors. For this Assignment, review the Petrakis case study in this week’s video and note how supervisory and leadership skills are portrayed. Assignment (4–5 paragraphs) Complete the following Journal entry: Identify attributes of leadership styles and approaches that facilitate quality supervision. Evaluate the supervisory and leadership skills demonstrated in the Petrakis case study by identifying which supervisory and leadership skills the supervisor demonstrated. Explain whether the supervisor in the video demonstrated quality supervision, and why. Provide specific examples to support your evaluation. Click He

Combinatorics and applications

Combinatorics and applications Problem Set 3 1. Let an be the number of ways to tile a 1 × n board with 1 × 1 squares, 1 × 2 rectangles, and 1 × 3 rectangles. (a) Find a recurrence for an. (b) Find a simple expression for the generating function Pn≥0 anz n as a quotient of two polynomials. 2. Consider the recurrence an = 3an−1 − 4an−3, with initial conditions a0 = 1, a1 = 2, a2 = 6. Find a simple expression for the generating function P n≥0 anz n. 3. Let an = 5 · 3n − 2 n+1 P for n ≥ 0. Find a simple expression for the generating function n≥0 anz n as a quotient of two polynomials. 4. Find a generating function A(z) such that the coefficient of z 100 is the number of ways to give change of a dollar (that is, 100 cents) using cents, nickels (5-cent coins), dimes (10-cent coins), and quarters (25 cent coins). 5. Find a simple expression for the generating function P n≥1 nzn as a quotient of two polynomials. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need

modern Chinese history

You may create a final project on any topic related to modern Chinese history. Your project can take any form, including but not limited to an essay of approximately 8 pages, a work of fiction, a tumblr-style exhibit, or a video or audio piece. This assignment is meant to be an opportunity for you to delve more deeply into a subject that interests you. In the past, many students have chosen to write research papers on people or events. Some students have written ‘think pieces’ meditating on vexing historical questions. Other students have curated and provided historical context for online exhibits of old Chinese photographs. One student wrote a series of poems about the crafting of historical memory during the “Mao Years.” Another student staged and filmed a game show, which quizzed contestants about historical details. You have a lot of latitude for this assignment, and you can explore any aspect of Modern Chinese history. However, this is a history class, and your paper must refle

Sequencing Strategy: Describe your target audience for your project and identify whether they are beginners or experts

Sequencing Strategy Describe your target audience for your project and identify whether they are beginners or experts. Determine a sequencing strategy for your project and provide a rationale for your selection. Include at least one (1) example of how you will implement your strategy. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

In many states, marijuana is now legal for certain medical purposes. What are your state’s laws regarding marijuana?

In many states, marijuana is now legal for certain medical purposes. What are your state’s laws regarding marijuana? Identify some clinical issues that may now present themselves because of this. What if you have a client who is addicted to alcohol and narcotics, who is also using marijuana to help with chronic pain? How might you address this situation? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Managers at each level of the organization use a type of SWOT analysis to identify strategies that will best position the company to achieve its mission and goals

Managers at each level of the organization use a type of SWOT analysis to identify strategies that will best position the company to achieve its mission and goals. The first step in a SWOT analysis is to identify an organization’s strengths and weaknesses that characterize the present state of the company. The next step requires managers to identify potential opportunities and threats in the environment that affect the organization in the present or possibly in the future. When the SWOT analysis is complete, managers begin developing strategies. These strategies should allow the company to attain its goals by taking advantage of opportunities, countering threats, building strengths, and correcting organizational weaknesses. Use the company and SWOT analysis you selected in Week 1 for this assignment. Congratulations! You’ve been hired as a manager and have been asked to analyze the current status of your new company. Review your company’s SWOT analysis. Do not just list factors; hav

Compare the HR chapters of the SRSA Annual Reports of 17/18 and 18/19

SRSA Annual Reports Step 1) Compare the HR chapters of the SRSA Annual Reports of 17/18 and 18/19. What development(s) do you read in the HRM vision and/or practices in the two reports? - Refer to the contents of the module in your explanation. - Indication for the length: 1 A4, Calibri 11. Step 2) Write a HR chapter for the report of 19/20 based on the contents of the module. What do you think we can expect in that report? - No specific data from the SRSA is compulsory. You can use what is available on internet. - Furthermore: use your own imagination, it is a ‘free writing’ assignment about your vison on HRM! So what do you think should be in a company’s HR chapter in the annual report of 2019-2020? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

(Mobility, lifestyle changes, and pressure ulcers).

(Mobility, lifestyle changes, and pressure ulcers). 2. The PICOT question (   In acute care hospital patients/ adults, how does mobility and changing lifestyle compared with no change in mobility and lifestyle reduced pressure ulcers and reduce risk falls within a period time of 6 months?). 3. Possible integration of the evidenced that you found in clinical practice 4. Methods to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

"Social Systems, Higher Education, and Corporate Learning"

"Social Systems, Higher Education, and Corporate Learning"  Please respond to the following: From the second e-activity, discuss at least two ways constructivism, as a learning theory, supports and is supported by the e-Learning process. Provide the Website(s) and any article you referenced in your discussion, using the appropriate APA style.    Propose at least one way professionals in your current or future organization could apply the 4-Plex Model of Networked Learning, described in Chapter 13 of the Rudestam textbook. Provide a rationale for the application of the model. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Identify the current issues the business is facing based on the details of the scenario and provide a plan and analysis for a HRIS based on those issues

At this stage, you have a solid understanding of the problem the company is facing and you have provided a solution for your client. Now, you want Larson Property Management to accept your project plan. Mr. Larson and Ms. Johnson like your idea and would like you to present your project plan to the executive board. Use the feedback from your instructor on previous assignments, the textbook, and any other resources provided in the course to create a professional project plan that you will be hypothetically presenting to the Executive Board of Larson Property Management. Please include the following elements: • Table of Contents • Executive Summary • Organizational Plan and Analysis • System Blueprint and Type • Recommendation for an HRIS Vendor • Project Management Roadmap and Cost Justification • Maintenance and Evaluation • Conclusion Do not simply copy and paste Phases 1—5. The previous phases were considered raw data, and now you will be summarizing and finalizing your fi

Japanese Research Culture

Japanese Research Culture Assignment Discuss the Nutrition construct of Purnell’s model as it relates to your selected culture and address each of the sub-constructs listed below: Meaning of food Common foods Rituals Deficiencies Limitations Health Promotion Discuss the High-Risk behaviors construct of Purnell’s model as it relates to your      selected culture and address each of the sub-constructs listed below: Tobacco Alcohol Recreational drugs Physical activity Safety Discuss the Death Rituals construct of Purnell’s model as it relates to your      selected culture and address each of the sub-constructs listed below: Death Rituals Bereavement Discuss the Spirituality construct of Purnell’s model as it relates to your      selected culture and address each of the sub-constructs listed below: Religious practices Use of prayer Meaning of life Individual strength Spirituality and health Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Prof

System and Network Security

System and Network Security Your report should be limited to approx. 1500 words (not including references). Use 1.5 spacing with a 12-point Times New Roman font. Though your paper will largely be based on the chosen article, you should use other sources to support your discussion or the chosen papers premises. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE style. Your report or critique must include: Please follow the instructions. Title Page: The title of the assessment, the name of the paper you are reporting on and its authors, and your name and student ID. Introduction: Identification of the paper you are critiquing/ reviewing, a statement of the purpose for your report and a brief outline of how you will discuss the selected article (one or two paragraphs).  Body of Report: Describe the intention and content of the article. If it is a research report, discuss the research method (survey, case study, observation, experiment, or other method) and findings. Comment on

Biology Elephant Population In Africa

Biology Elephant Population In Africa There is a decline in the elephant population in a specific area in Africa. You are an activist trying increase the elephant population. You are required to present a proposed solution to this problem. Create a proposal to solve this elephant problem. Please include the following: Background Information. (Describe the main biome where elephants are located; describe an ecosystem, and describe 4 other types of biomes) Name and discuss how elephants are threatened in Africa. (Research) Discuss how biodiversity can affect the increase and decline of the elephant population. Differentiate between the types of population growth models that can increase or decrease the elephant population. Discuss how community populations relate to your proposal. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

examine one issue of international justice that we are facing today

examine one issue of international justice that we are facing today. You must state the issue, the reasons this issue has arisen, analyze how a Realist and Liberal thinker according to the Theories of International Justice would deal with this issue, propose solutions, and set forth predictions for the future.  You should also discuss how IGOs, NGOs, and potentially a world government could help/hurt in resolving this issue. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

The evolution of project leadership styles in organizational settings

Thematic Analysis Overall Description of this Assignment This assignment provides an opportunity for students to thematically explore and analyse the various approaches to leadership and teams in the context of projects, and identify different models of leadership that could be better aligned with project realities in the contemporary world. Despite having long-standing theories of leadership, and despite having myriad leadership models in management and organizational research, scholars in project management still lament over the limitations of our current understanding of the leadership phenomenon in projects. New insights into the areas of people, leadership and teamwork are still very much needed in the context of projects (Clarke 2012). For instance, there are emerging themes such as the variables or factors between leadership and project outcomes, or variable project conditions and what effects that may have on teamwork. “Project working has moved substantially beyond its ear

Testing and Quality Assurance in SDLC Models

Testing and Quality Assurance in SDLC Models Your report should be limited to approx. 1500 words (not including references). Use 1.5 spacing with a 12-point Times New Roman font. Though your paper will largely be based on the chosen article, you should use other sources to support your discussion or the chosen papers premises. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE style. Your report or critique must include: Please follow the instructions. Title Page: The title of the assessment, the name of the paper you are reporting on and its authors, and your name and student ID. Introduction: Identification of the paper you are critiquing/ reviewing, a statement of the purpose for your report and a brief outline of how you will discuss the selected article (one or two paragraphs).  Body of Report: Describe the intention and content of the article. If it is a research report, discuss the research method (survey, case study, observation, experiment, or other method) and fin

Provide an analytic overview of pedagogical theories with a professional reflection Description

Provide an analytic overview of pedagogical theories with a professional reflection Description Provide an analytic overview of 3 pedagogical theories with a brief professional reflection on each theory. You should use a format provided in the assessment folder. A choice of two formats for the assignment is provided below – choose which one suits your style of writing. The theories should be drawn be from Weeks 2-7 of the course. You should focus on identifying the key ideas from each theory and provide a critical appraisal of benefits/opportunities and limitations that the theory has for improving teaching. A brief professional reflection on the implications of the theory for pedagogical leadership and change is required. Weighting 50%  Length 2000 words Assessment Criteria 1: Appropriate selection of pedagogical theory and identification/explanation of key ideas from theory. 2. Depth of analysis of benefits and limitations of theory to pedagogical practice. 3. Relevance and depth

Essay On An Issue Of Business And The Environment Or Globalization And Business Ethics. The Topic Is "Sustainable Production"

Essay On An Issue Of Business And The Environment Or Globalization And Business Ethics. The Topic Is "Sustainable Production" Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

How the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act has affected IT governance, including the major provisions of the act and how this might affect IT

Imagine you are an IT manager at small retail organization that has a new owner. The new owner is from another industry and has expressed a lack of understanding of some of the controls and processes important to IT management and governance. You must help the new owner with understanding these important concepts.  Write a 2- to 4-page executive brief that details the following: How the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act has affected IT governance, including the major provisions of the act and how this might affect IT, and how IT might assist in compliance How IT policies, standards, and procedures can be used to determine if the enterprise is in compliance and support the IT strategy How Quality Management Systems (QMS) are important in assuring quality processes are in place How IT management and monitoring of controls can be used to asses IT performance Format your document according to APA guidelines. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional 

Management in Financial Institutions Paper

Management in Financial Institutions Paper The overall intent of the Paper is to understand a Bank’s financial statement, its position in the market place and how the Bank compares to its piers. The Bank’s total assets should not be more than $2B. Items that must be covered: · Identify the type of Bank · Which regulatory agency governs them · What is the Banks focus (i.e. Commercial, deposit only …..) · Calculate and show work by attaching exhibits o ROE o ROA o Net Interest Margin o Net Noninterest Margin o Net Operating Margin · Show, at a minimum, two competing Bank’s financial statements for comparisons via exhibit · Discuss how the Bank compares, two strength and two weaknesses, in relationship to the competing Banks (i.e. Net Interest Margin is a strength due to ….) Paper will be graded on the following criteria: · All components completed · Accuracy of content · Format was easy to follow · Analysis competent Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this

What force of law does the conceptual framework have?

It is argued by some researchers that even in the absence of regulation, organisations will have an incentive to provide credible information about their operations and performance to certain parties outside the organisation; otherwise, the costs of the organisation’s operations will rise. What is the basis of this belief? Week 2 Question (10 marks) What force of law does the conceptual framework have? Week 3 Question (10 marks) Under Positive Accounting Theory, what are agency costs of equity and agency costs of debt? Is it possible to put in place mechanisms to reduce all opportunistic action? If not, why not? Week 4 Question (10 marks) TXA Ltd acquired a machine from Blue Ltd for the following consideration:  Cash $70, 000  Land in the books of TXA Ltd the land is recorded at its cost of $650,000. It has a fair value of $450,000. TXA Ltd also agrees to assume the liability of the Blue Ltd bank loan of $89,000 as part of the machine acquisition. Required: (a) Calculate

Assume that you operate only in a single industry, describe what does your firm do; what is your MAIN product or service?

Assume that you operate only in a single industry, describe what does your firm do; what is your MAIN product or service? ; be sure to explain its position on the product value chain (i.e., is in manufacturing, wholesale, retail, etc.). · Hypothetically, how can you vertically integrate backward and forward (if possible)? What can be the benefits? · Why, more than likely, this vertical integration won’t be a good idea? · How can you do a related diversification? Into which industry should you be entering? What’s “related” here, what core competencies will you be using, what resources will you be sharing? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Childhood Mental Disorder: Encopresis and Enuresis.

Childhood Mental Disorder: Encopresis and Enuresis. Remember to read carefully all the instructions for this assignment It is an APA style format. Information is provided in a paragraph format and with Times New Roman, Font #12, and double space Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Explain what a Human Resource Information System is

Explain what a Human Resource Information System is and explain how it can be used for succession planning and what benefit it might have in a challenging time like this (Corona Virus).  Post a reply to one other student either adding to his/her thoughts or politely challenging his/her thoughts. Please use academic references and APA Format.   Post one reply to one other student either adding to his/her thoughts or politely challenging his/her thoughts. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Describe the employment-at-will doctrine

Describe the employment-at-will doctrine. - This is a common-law doctrine stating that employers have the right to hire, fire, demote, or promote whomever they choose, unless there is a law or a contract to the contrary. 2. List four major laws enacted since 1960 that directly impact the Human Resources function. Briefly describe each. - Family and Medical Leave Act – Allows eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of leave for their serious health conditions or the birth or adoption of a child. . Injured employees may ask to use that leave time in addition to the leave time allowed under worker’ comp, even if it is unpaid. - Americans with Disabilities Act – Prohibits discrimination based on disability - Occupational Safety and Health Act – passed “to assure so far as possible every working man woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and preserve our human resources.” - Equal Pay Act of 1963 - Tries to depress sex discrimination as related to pay and commerce i

Explain what the relevant incremental cash flows are for a project evaluation

Explain what the relevant incremental cash flows are for a project evaluation. Provide three (3) examples in your response. (80 -100 words) (5 Marks) b. Kite Limited has provided the following forecast for the upcoming year for their business. Based on the given information, calculate the operating cashflow. The company projected sales volume is $143,200. Cost of goods sold is 60% of the sales revenue and administration and other expenses is $10,500. The depreciation expenses will be $8,000 and the corporate tax rate is 30%. Show all your calculations. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Delta Limited has two possible investment alternatives and seeks your help to select the best option

Delta Limited has two possible investment alternatives and seeks your help to select the best option for them to choose. The table below gives you the initial investment and the expected future cashflows over a 4 year period. The required rate of return is 12% Year Project A Project B 0 -95,200 -162,000 1 47,800 68,000 2 37,200 65,600 3 41,400 61,000 4 29,200 54,600 a. Calculate the profitability index for each project. (4 Marks) b. Calculate the the Net Present Value (NPV) for each project (4 Marks) c. Which project should be selected based on your calculations? Explain your answer. (30 – 40 words) (2 Marks) Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Kristi is considering an investment that will pay $7,500 a year for eight years, starting one year from today.

a. Kristi is considering an investment that will pay $7,500 a year for eight years, starting one year from today. How much should she pay for this investment if she wishes to earn a 6% rate of return? Provide complete calculations in your answer (6 Marks) b. Kristi was offered three (3) different assets, as listed below:  Asset 1 pays annual interest rate of 9% compounding annually.  Asset 2 pays annual interest rate of 8.9% compounding semi-annually.  Asset 3 pays interest rate 8.95 compounding monthly. Based on effective annual interest rate calculations, which of the above assets is the best choice for Kristi. Show your calculations for all three (3) assets. (4 Marks) Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Assume you are currently aged twenty (20) and your parents inform you that they are planning to give you $100,000 on your 30th birthday (10 years from now).

Assume you are currently aged twenty (20) and your parents inform you that they are planning to give you $100,000 on your 30th birthday (10 years from now). If the relevant discount rate is 5%,how much is your gift worth today? Provide complete calculations in your answer. (5 Marks) b. Assume you have $20,000 in your bank account. After five (5) years, you are intending to have $35,000 in your account. What annual rate of return must you earn on your investment to achieve your target? Provide complete calculations in your answer. (5 Marks) Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

What does it mean when we say the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is an auction market?

a. (i) What does it mean when we say the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is an auction market? Explain your answer (30-40 words). (ii.) Explain how auction markets differ from dealer markets? (30-40 words) (4 Marks) b. Identify three (3) forms of business organisations and list a minimum of two (2) advantages and disadvantages of each form of business.  (6 Marks) Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

How does Debord define the term "spectacle"?

Task: For over a hundred years, in paintings, newsprint, films, and social media, images of boxing have turned the sport into a popular spectacle in American culture.Guy Debord argues, among other things, that the spectacle is "the heart of the unrealism of the real society."In this sense, Debord seems to suggest the possibility that spectacle mediaimages of boxing might depict more falsehoods than truth. What, then, can we learn from boxing images and depictions? To grapple with Debord's concept of the spectacle,use the text and images from our class readings and sources to craft an argumentative essay thatexplores Connor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather's social media presence (Instagram, Facebook) and compares and contrasts them to historical images of boxing.  What do the boxer's internet-based images tell us about boxing? About media? About spectacle? Logistics: • 5-7 pages in length • Title • Double Spaced • 12 point font • Chicago style citations (

classify the IDEA disability category

Evaluate the following case studies and, in 100-250 words, classify the IDEA disability category for each student. Provide a rationale for your identification choice that takes into consideration each student's developmental milestones. Tomas, Kindergarten Tomas entered Mrs. Richards' kindergarten classroom at the beginning of the school year with great excitement! He showed great interest in learning and being in the classroom with other students. As the school year progressed, however, Tomas' excitement quickly turned into frustration. He struggled with recognizing the letters in his name, identifying different shapes, and consistently could not follow two-part instructions. He also was dramatically less able than his peers to focus on a task. His frustrations have led to impulsive actions. Mrs. Richards has called a meeting with his parents to address her concerns. Harper, 3rd Grade Harper attends Sunset Elementary School and is in a class with 25 other third grader

Critically evaluate the use of competency-based approaches in modern HR strategies

Critically evaluate the use of competency-based approaches in modern HR strategies. Explain in detail how they may be used in relation to EITHER Recruitment and selection ORPerformance managements organisational examples as appropriate to support your answer (30 marks) Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Dr. Jamison Case on ethical issues

Dr. Jamison is very concerned about this request. She was unaware the group practice had a social media page. When she visits the page, she sees several client testimonials for other psychologists in practice, some of which appear to reveal identifying information about the clients. In 600-750 words: Describe the ethical issues involved in this situation. Provide recommendations for the group’s advertising needs that would meet ethical standards. Use two to three scholarly sources to support your claims. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Individual performance-related pay (merit pay) Time-based pay Skills-based pay Team-based pay

Critically evaluate THREE of the following payment systems Individual performance-related pay (merit pay) Time-based pay Skills-based pay Team-based pay(30 marks) Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

discuss the legal arguments which both sides will raise and conclude which is the stronger.

contract discharge In November 2018 Jack, the owner of two large transport trucks designed to carry ten cars each, made a contract with the owners of Acme Cars Australia Co Ltd to carry 40 cars a week between Adelaide and Melbourne for the next two years. The agreed contract price was $800 per car per week. At the time of signing the contract Jack’s weekly fuel cost was $6,000 and wages and other costs totalled $16,000. By June 2019 Jack’s fuel costs had risen to $8,500 and his other costs had increased to $20,000. On July 1, 2019 Jack contacted Acme asking that the contract carrying price per car be increased from $800 to $900 per car per week. Acme declined on the grounds that the contract price was fixed in November 2018 for two years.  Jack replied to the effect that the original contract had been ended by the totally unexpected huge increases in oil prices, brought about by cyclones and floods, which had caused the increases in fuel and other costs and therefore a new contract

Xing owns a food delivery business and attends Ace Trucks Company Limited to purchase a new truck.

contract terms Xing owns a food delivery business and attends Ace Trucks Company Limited to purchase a new truck.  During the negotiations she discusses various matters about her requirements.  The salesman is very keen to sell Xing a truck and tells her about a new refrigeration system in the company’s latest trucks.  After considerable discussion, Xing signs a standard contract for the purchase of one of the latest trucks.  After she collects the truck, she finds that it does not have the new refrigeration system which the salesman described.  The system is the same as in her old truck and she knows from experience this is not reliable.  On checking the written contract, she finds there is no mention of which refrigeration system is included in the truck. Furious with the salesman, Xing wants to return the truck, claiming that there has been a breach of a term of the contract. Using cases to support your reasons, discuss the legal arguments which both sides will raise about this

What is the purpose of probation? Identify some conditions of probation and discuss the responsibilities of the probation officer.

What is the purpose of probation? Identify some conditions of probation and discuss the responsibilities of the probation officer. Discuss the procedures involved in probation revocation. What are the rights of the probationer? Is probation a privilege or a right? Should a convicted criminal make restitution to the victim? When is restitution inappropriate? Could it be considered a bribe? Should offenders be fined on the basis of the seriousness of what they did or in terms of to their ability to pay? Is it fair to base day fines on wages? Should offenders be punished more severely because they are financially successful? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Discuss the sentencing dispositions in your jurisdiction. What are the pros and cons of each?

Discuss the sentencing dispositions in your jurisdiction. What are the pros and cons of each? Compare the various types of incarceration sentences. What are the similarities and differences? Why are many jurisdictions considering the passage of mandatory sentencing laws? Discuss the issue of capital punishment. In your opinion, does it serve as a deterrent? What new rulings has the Supreme Court made on the legality of the death penalty? Why does the problem of sentencing disparity exist? Do programs exist that can reduce the disparity of sentences? If so, what are they? Should all people who commit the same crime receive the same sentence? Explain. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Assume that the Nebraska legislature passes a law providing that all crimes in Nebraska are to be tried by a six-member jury.

Assume that the Nebraska legislature passes a law providing that all crimes in Nebraska are to be tried by a six-member jury. Assume further that the same law also provides that a 5-to-1 vote for conviction results in conviction. Is that law constitutional? Explain your answer. There are two kinds of challenges the prosecutor and the defense lawyer can use when selecting a jury. How do these challenges differ? Which challenge is bad for the defendant and why? X, a man accused of rape, was tried and convicted by a jury made up of all women. Was his constitutional right to trial by a jury of peers violated? Justify your answer. A college criminal justice student is charged with selling drugs in a dormitory. Such a crime is a felony in the state. She has taken a few college courses in law and has some knowledge of criminal procedure and constitutional rights. Can she waive her right to a lawyer and insist on defending herself? Part 2 Siegal, L. J., & Worrall, J. L., Essentials of

What was the old standard for the admissibility of confessions and admissions? Explain why that standard was difficult to apply

welldel Carmen, R. V. Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice, 9th Ed., Cengage Chapter 11 What was the old standard for the admissibility of confessions and admissions? Explain why that standard was difficult to apply. How did Miranda v. Arizona change the standard for admissibility of confessions and admissions? In your opinion, is it a change for the better? Explain your answer. Assume that the state legislature of Kansas passes a law providing that confessions are admissible in state court criminal cases as long as they are voluntary, even without the Miranda warnings. Is that law constitutional? Cite a case precedent and reasons for your answer. Distinguish between the Miranda warnings and the right to counsel. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Is it Credible? There are various ways to determine the credibility of a website

Is it Credible? There are various ways to determine the credibility of a website.  Particularly useful for the evaluation of internet sources are authorship, publishing body, and currency of the document.  In regard to authorship, one should be able to find out more about the author from information linked within the website, such as an “About Us” Link, for example.  In regard to the publishing body, one should be able to find a link for the Webmaster.  In regard to the currency of the document, one should be able to find a bibliography that identifies statistical sources (John Hopkins Sheridan Libraries, 2019).  In addition to this, there are also ways to identify unreliable resources for an academic paper.  Some of these are the absence of an “About Us” and/or “Contact Us” Link on the website, an agenda beyond providing information, such as selling products, and the absence of a copyright date and/or a last update date (CQ University Library, 2013). The following is one of the inte

Management in Financial Institutions Paper

Management in Financial Institutions Paper The overall intent of the Paper is to understand a Bank’s financial statement, its position in the market place and how the Bank compares to its piers. The Bank’s total assets should not be more than $2B. Length: 2-5 pages excluding Exhibits. Items that must be covered: • Identify the type of Bank • Which regulatory agency governs them • What is the Banks focus (i.e. Commercial, deposit only …..) • Calculate and show work by attaching exhibits o ROE o ROA o Net Interest Margin o Net Noninterest Margin o Net Operating Margin • Show, at a minimum, two competing Bank’s financial statements for comparisons via exhibit • Discuss how the Bank compares, two strength and two weaknesses, in relationship to the competing Banks (i.e. Net Interest Margin is a strength due to ….) Paper will be graded on the following criteria: • All components completed • Accuracy of content • Format was easy to follow • Analysis compete

At its current short-run level of production, a firm’s average variable costs equal $20 per unit, and its average fixed costs equal $30 per unit

CASE STUDY ECO 202-M1- Spring 2020 22-1. The academic calendar for a university is August 15 through May 15. A professor commits to a contract that binds her to a teaching position at this university for this period. Based on this information, explain the short run and long run that the professor faces. 22-2. The short-run production function for a manufacturer of flash memory drives is shown in the table below. Based on this information, answer the following questions. Input of Labor (workers per week) Total Output of Flash Memory Drives 0 0 1 25 2 60 3 85 4 105 5 115 6 120 a. Calculate the average product at each quantity of labor. b. Calculate the marginal product of labor at each quantity of labor. c. At what point does marginal product begin to diminish? 22-3. At its current short-run level of production, a firm’s average variable costs equal $20 per unit, and its average fixed costs equal $30 per unit. Its total costs at this production level equal $2

discuss Fred Ritchin’s statement, taking into account its historical dimension.

discuss Fred Ritchin’s statement, taking into account its historical dimension. “It was once thought, at least in democracies, that a photographer of the documentary or journalistic persuasion who witnessed a horrific event or situation, or a painful one, would record what it looked like in order to alert society, so that society might respond... [This has] become the stuff of the rearview mirror.” (Fred Ritchin, Bending the Frame, New York: Aperture, 2013, pp. 8-9). Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

making meaning of documentation evidence to (b) planning for goals and (c) learning experiences for children

In your role as coach and/or mentor you will likely need to help teachers understand how to make connects between the following three processes (a) making meaning of documentation evidence to (b) planning for goals and (c) learning experiences for children. After reading chapter six, and the scenario below, respond to the discussion prompt: Imagine that you are a coach who is supporting a teacher who is observing her students during small group activity time. The teacher records a lot of dialogue (words and actions) of the children arguing about “the rules” for putting away materials. You ask the teacher to identify a question of interest for both her and the children based on what she learned from her documentation. The question is, “What are the rules (procedures) in our classroom?” As her mentor, you want to begin her inquiry with “backwards planning.” The formula you present to the teacher is as follows: a) The desired result for the children is to . . . b) The observational evi

The impact that media (i.e., television. video games, and music) has on delinquency

The impact that media (i.e., television. video games, and music) has on delinquency Core Learning Outcomes 1. IdentIfy the many diverse views and perspectives that characterize the study of juvenile delinquency and reflect its Interdisciplinary nature. 2. Interpret the theory; law, policy, and practice in the study of the juvenile system and relate the juvenile system to the adult. 3. Apply current information about the juvenile justice system in theory and practice. 4. Recognize the complexity of social, political, and economic systems and problems and develop ways to contribute to the solution of such problems as they involve the juvenile justice system. Core Assessment Students will write two (2) Essays discussing the following issues: ISSUE #1: The impact that media (i.e., television. video games, and music) has on delinquency. ISSUE #2: How to reduce the incidence of the human trafficking of children. In each essay, the student will formulate a reaction statement on t

Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy

Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy* Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders* List the objective(s) met and briefly describe the activities you completed during each time period. If you are not on-site for a specific week, enter “Not on site” for that week in the Total Hours for This Time Frame column. Journal entries are due in Weeks 4, 8, and 11; include your Time Log with all hours logged (for current and previous weeks) each time you submit a journal entry. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

What is the greenhouse effect?

81. What is the greenhouse effect? 82. Be able to identify the regions of our atmosphere and describe the temperature changes in each. 83. How are winds created? 84. What is a seabreeze and land breeze? 85. How are global wind patterns set up? Be able to identify and describe the following: a. ITCZ (Doldrums) b. Trade winds c. Westerlies d. High and low pressure regions 86. What is an ‘air mass?’ 87. What are the various fronts and their characteristics? 88. What is a cyclone and anticyclone? How do winds spin around them in the northern hemisphere? 89. How does a hurricane gets its energy? 90. What and where are the major climate zones? What causes them? What types of features are found in these regions? 91. What 4 factors can locally change global climate patterns? a. Altitude b. Mountains c. Bodies of water d. Ocean currents 92. What is meant by the ‘thermohaline circulation?’ How does it affect Earth’s climate? 93. Know the characteristics and location of the fo

What is the tilt of our Earth and how does it affect the following?

61. What is the tilt of our Earth and how does it affect the following? a. Lengths of day and night b. Seasons 62. What is the Coriolis Effect and how does it influence the way things move on Earth? 63. How does latitude and longitude identify a location on a planet? 64. What is the ‘prime meridian’ and where is it located? Is this arbitrary? 65. What is the “equator” and where is it located? Is this arbitrary? 66. Identify the following and how are they significant? a. Arctic Circle b. Antarctic Circle c. Tropic of Cancer d. Tropic of Capricorn 67. Be able to identify the Sun’s location throughout the year. 68. What makes a Moon phase and what are the 4 basic types? 69. What is a lunar and solar eclipse? What phase will the Moon be in for each? 70. What affects the tides? What are Neap and Spring tides? 71. What are the 3 types of tides and what type does Miami experience? 72. What are the 3 main groups of rocks and make sure you know how each are formed. Which one is

Know how to derive a “molecular weight” given any compound.

41. Know how to derive a “molecular weight” given any compound. 42. What does the “Law of Conservation of Mass” state? 43. What is meant by the following terms: a. Mole b. Avogadro’s number 44. What bonds hold water together and be able to describe how each one works? Which one is weaker? a. Polar Covalent b. Hydrogen 45. What does the hydrogen bond due to the specific heat of water? 46. What is meant by solubility? What things affect the solubility of a liquid with respect to both solids and gases? What is “saturation?” 47. Know what things can affect the freezing and boiling point of water. 48. What are acids, bases and salts? What are some characteristics of each? What happens when you add acids and bases together? 49. What is meant by the pH scale and what values do acids, bases and pure waterhave? What does it mean to go up or down one number in the pH scale? 50. Describe the 3 types of radioactive decay. How penetrating are each? 51. What is half-life, what can you

What is an “ion?”

21. What is an “ion?” 22. What is the difference between AC and DC power? 23. Basically how is the magnetic field of our Earth set up and where are the north and south poles? How often does the Earth’s magnetic field change? 24. What is light and all other radiation composed of? 25. What determines one type of radiation from another? 26. What determines the energy of radiation emitted from an object? What does a higher energy say about the wavelength of that radiation? 27. What determines the color of an object? 28. What is meant by the colors black and white? 29. Given the Stefan-Boltzman law (E=σT4), determine how radiation is affected by a changing temperature. 30. How does the peak wavelength change as an object’s temperature changes? 31. What components make up an atom? 32. Which part of the atom is involved with chemical reactions? 33. What is an ‘isotope?’ 34. Using the Periodic Table, be able to identify the following for any given isotope a. Number of electrons

What does it mean to be ‘proportional to’ (α) and ‘inversely proportion to?’

1. Know the meaning, equation, symbol and units of density. Be able to use the equation to answer questions relating to density. 2. What does it mean to be ‘proportional to’ (α) and ‘inversely proportion to?’ 3. Be able to distinguish between speed, velocity and acceleration. In particular, know the following including knowing units. 4. Given an equation, describe how the dependent variable changes when the independent variables are adjusted. 5. Know the details of Newton’s 3 laws of motion. 6. What is the gravitational acceleration on Earth? 7. What is the difference between weight and mass? What are units for each? 8. What did Galileo say about falling objects? 9. What is a ‘force’ and ‘net force’ and know how they relate to acceleration. 10. What does Newton’s law of Gravitation say? 11. Know what the following are and know units. Be able to solve simple problems: a. Work b. Power 12. Know the definition of “Energy” and know what the following basic types of energy are

Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy

Objectives • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy • Evaluate the efficacy of existential-humanistic therapy for clients • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders • Analyze clinical supervision experiences • Analyze how nursing and counseling theories guided personal practice in psychotherapy • Analyze goals and objectives for personal practicum experiences • Analyze the impact of psychotherapy on social change List the objective(s) met and briefly describe the activities you completed during each time period. You are encouraged to complete your practicum hours on a regular schedule, Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Conduct two separate observations of two different play settings (indoor and outdoor)

Conduct two separate observations of two different play settings (indoor and outdoor). If you are unable to conduct an observation due to school closures you may write your paper based on previous experiences. You may also conduct an interview with a classroom teacher via phone or similar method. In the interview, ask the teacher to describe each of the aspects listed. A final option is to watch any of the videos linked here. You can count one of the videos as an observation. Make sure to choose a video that allows you to reflect on the components listed below. If you are unable to view an outdoor setting, you can compare two different age groups in an indoor setting. Note: Use the BSED/ECH Field Experience Matrix located in the Teacher Education Handbook on the College of Education Resources page as a resource. Compare and contrast your observations of the pre-kindergarten to Grade 3 settings. Describe how each setting promotes development in all areas. Pay close attention to physi

The FLSA provides for pay standards for non-exempt employees of employers of a certain size

The FLSA provides for pay standards for non-exempt employees of employers of a certain size.  Reviewing the requirements for it's application and the criteria for exempt status of some employees, (go through each) do you believe the Act is fair, extends adequate coverage and meets the goals of the law?  Do you agree with the exemption categories?  Do you think the law is too restrictive/not restrictive enough on employers?  Be sure to explain what aspect of the law you are speaking about and the reasons behind your opinion. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

“A worldview is not a physical lens but, rather, a philosophical and intellectual lens though which a person sees and interprets everything one encounters”

“A worldview is not a physical lens but, rather, a philosophical and intellectual lens though which a person sees and interprets everything one encounters” (Bogue, 2020, para 4). It uses people’s personal experiences and history, so each worldview is different. My worldview is that spirituality is important but different for everyone. Everyone has their own concept of a spiritual guide, higher power, God or whatever the title may be. A person grows and builds a foundation of life through their higher power. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Hypersexualization Of Young African American Women In The Media

Hypersexualization Of Young African American Women In The Media Provide a general background on your topic and what your focus is. After the introduction, the reader should have a general idea what your topic is and why it is important. Theme/Point 1 (Hypersexualtion) Provide an overview of the literature related to your sub-theme/point Theme/Point 2 (7 points)(sexual development (self esteem)(brain development) Provide an overview of the literature related to your sub-theme/point Theme/Point 3 ( Hypersexualiztion impact) Provide an overview of the literature related to your sub-theme/point Conclusion Summarize the findings and make conclusions based on the findings. Based on these findings, what should future research focus on? What are your research questions? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Examining the social and political implications associated with Electrical Power Distribution

Examining the social and political implications associated with Electrical Power Distribution.  Social and political factors refer to the societal pressures, real or perceived, that influence Electrical Power Distribution Social and political factors: Environmental initiatives (2 slides) Corporate initiatives (2 slides) The combined perspectives  will serve to convey what the confluence of economic, social, and political factors reveals about the state of Electrical Power Distribution in the United States. Perspectives: Technological advancements and innovation (2 slides) Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

One aspect of the management process is planning. Planning is setting goals and deciding how to achieve them

One aspect of the management process is planning.  Planning is setting goals and deciding how to achieve them.  Imagine you are the executive assistant to the president of the company, and you are tasked with planning lunch for 20 college presidents in the local area. The only information you were given is one of the participates has a food allergy. discuss what you would do to plan the event outlined above.  Here are a few things to consider: Where will you host the meeting?  How will you figure out who has the food allergy?  What is the budget for the meeting?  There are many aspects to consider, don’t limit your discussion to the few items listed above. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Be Healthy and Get Rewarded--Incentives Driving Engagement in Health and Wellness

Read the article "Be Healthy and Get Rewarded--Incentives Driving Engagement in Health and Wellness (Links to an external site.)." Taking into consideration some of the significant changes to health insurance policies, please review the article and address the following two questions. Explain your answers in at least 200 words. As described in the article, what options do patients with preexisting health conditions have in regards to wellness initiative compliance? Are the new health plans truly helping consumers to live a better and healthier lifestyle or are they actually hindering consumers ability to freely pursue getting proper treatment, if needed, due to the fear of high deductible costs? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get t

The independent variables of the subject of New Zealand Meat Exports

The independent variables of the subject of New Zealand Meat Exports may be: 1. GDP of the importing area 2. GDP per capita of the importing area. 3. Organization of the importing country (eg whether it is WTO, EU organization) 4. The land area or population of the importing country plus a 5. The GDP and time series of the exporting country (do a time trend. The dependent variable is how many pounds or dollars of meat are exported each year. The time is about 2000-2018. Choose time The part of the series data type. To include all the contents of the test to be analyzed in the time series. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Health Care Costs, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism

Quantitative Reasoning, Introduced Level In this assignment, your quantitative reasoning skills will be assessed at the “introduced” level. The Quantitative Reasoning rubric will be useful for this purpose. Then in HRM520 your quantitative reasoning skills will be further assessed at the “reinforced” level. Finally, in HRM599 your skills will be assessed at the “emphasized” level. Case Assignment This assignment requires you to: 1. Complete 3 tables—one each for Health Care Costs, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism. 2. Use relevant data from the 2018 Employer Health Benefits Survey for as many table categories as possible, such as annual health care costs, health insurance premiums, annual cost increases, and so forth. Some of the data needed for the three tables are not included in the survey. For those, you have the discretion to use relevant data from other reliable sources. The article Wellness ROI versus VOI contains additional information. 3. To determine your quantitative re