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Showing posts from March, 2020

Create a title that engages the reader’s interest and focuses on your topic area.

Create a title that engages the reader’s interest and focuses on your topic area. i. introduction and background of the issue. This section provides background information about the social issue. · how did the issue originate? what is the historical background of the issue? are there critical incidents which emphasize the importance of the issue? · why is this an important issue for society at large and policy makers to address? why should citizens be concerned with this issue? · what philosophical or ethical issues underscore the importance of the issue? ii. statement of the problem This section provides analysis of the specific issues related to the problem and the societal consequences if this problem continues unaddressed. · what evidence is there suggesting a change is policy is needed? · how does the problem affect critical populations, groups, and society at large? · what is the specific problem? (define the specific problem.) · what are the major causes of the proble

Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015), state automated system (SAS) “Administration”

Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015), state automated system (SAS) “Administration” is combined distributed state information system for collecting, recording, processing and analyzing data contained in state municipal information resources. Business intelligence tools and data discovery modules are included in the SAS “Administration” structure (Janssen, Wimmer, & Deljoo, 2015). Select a few of the SAS “Administration” functions and discuss the importance of that particular SAS “Administration” function(s). Also, mention why you selected that particular SAS "Administration." Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Reflect on the process of creating a proposal. Did you experience any challenges?

Reflect on the process of creating a proposal.  Did you experience any challenges? Memo Reflection Each week you will be asked to write a memo reflecting your learning.  Please note that you must read the directions for each week because the focus may vary. In order to pass it must include the following: ·  Memo format. ·  Clear, focused writing with minimal errors. ·  A minimum of two paragraphs. ·  A demonstration of reflection and critical thinking. W6 TOPIC: Reflect on the process of creating a proposal.  Did you experience any challenges?  Did anything take you by surprise?  What was the most interesting thing you learned about persuasion? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Benchmark - Risk Management Program Analysis

Benchmark - Risk Management Program Analysis The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how an organization's quality and improvement processes contribute to its risk management program. This assignment builds on the Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One assignment you completed in Topic 1 of this course. Assume that the sample risk management program you analyzed in Topic 1 was implemented and is now currently in use by your health care employer/organization. Further assume that your supervisor has asked you to create a high‐level summary brief of this new risk management program to share with a group of administrative personnel from a newly created community health organization in your state who has enlisted your organization's assistance in developing their own risk management policies and procedures. Compose a 1,250‐1,500 word summary brief that expands upon the elements you first addressed in the Topic 1 assignment. In this summary brief, address the following

Communicating in a Global Workplace

Communicating in a Global Workplace Imagine that a company in another country has asked your team to present their findings regarding the problem you have been working to solve this term.  Since your team has never worked with this company you feel you need to educate them about how business is conducted in this culture.  You will create a PowerPoint providing your team with what you feel is the necessary information for effective communication. REQUIRED ELEMENTS: Select a country other than the U.S.  (The choice is completely yours.) Learn about important elements of communicating in the professional manner in that culture.  (You may use our text, the Internet, or any other credible means of gaining information.) Create a title slide, a table of contents that shows the main points, supporting slides that have the main points as headings, a conclusion slide, and a references slide. Develop the main points using credible sources. Organize points logically. RESEARCH: With either

The Four-Source Essay: Basic Synthesis

The Four-Source Essay: Basic Synthesis Summary of assignment • Task: The four-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of four sources. • Length: Minimum of 1000 words. The instructor will give you comments on the first draft and let you know if you need more development beyond 1000 words. • Format: APA • Sources: Four sources, all of which you will find through library searches. You will select a topic of your choice, conduct searches in the library databases, focus the topic, and determine four sources to use in this essay. o All of your sources must be from scholarly journals or credible trade journals. No sources can be from popular journals. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ……… o Please use only four sources. Please do not incorporate more than four sources into this essay. Articles to Use for the Essay For this essay, you will select four

You were hired by a group of investors to buy and merchandise accessories for their small, four-store chain of infant apparel shops

You were hired by a group of investors to buy and merchandise accessories for their small, four-store chain of infant apparel shops, and you’re planning a buying trip to AmericasMart Atlanta (Atlanta Apparel). This new product classification is to complement and reflect their prestigious, unique merchandise assortments, which are targeted toward upper-income mothers and grandparents looking for the unusual: Children’s World at Atlanta Apparel. This new classification was introduced in the fall/winter period and was well received by their clientele. Although the projected sales goal was met, the profit performance was more than disappointing. After analysis of each market segment and location, your focus will be on the combined merchandise selection factors that form the basis of your ultimate selections suitable for your particular customer group. As a buyer, don’t forget that you often review buyer’s briefings from various forecasting resources such as the Worth Global Style Networ

Stepwise Multiple Regression

Stepwise Multiple Regression Ong et al. (2011) conducted an interesting study that examined the relationship between narcissism and behavior on Facebook in 275 adolescents. They measured the Age, Gender and Grade (at school), as well as extroversion and narcissism. They also measured how often (per week) these people updated their Facebook status (FB_Status), and also how they rated their own profile picture on each of four dimensions: coolness, glamour, fashion ableness and attractiveness. These ratings were summed as an indicator of how positively they perceived the profile picture they had selected for their page (FB_Profile_TOT). They hypothesized that narcissism would predict,above and beyond the other variables, the frequency of status updates, and how positive aprofile picture the person chose. To test this, they conducted two hierarchical regressions:one with FB_Status as the outcome and one with FB_Profile_TOT as the outcome. In bothmodels they entered Age, Gender and Grade i

Logistic Regression Analysis

Logistic Regression Analysis Lacourse, Claes, and Villeneuve (2001) carried out a study to see whether a love of heavy metal could predict suicide risk. Eric Lacourse and his colleagues used questionnaires to measure several variables: suicide risk (yes or no), marital status of parents (together or divorced/separated), the extent to which the person’s mother and father were neglectful, self-estrangement/powerlessness (adolescents who have negative self-perceptions, are bored with life, etc.), social isolation (feelings of a lack of support), normlessness (beliefs that socially disapproved behaviors can be used to achieve certain goals), meaninglessness (doubting that school is relevant to gain employment) and drug use. In addition, the authors measured liking of heavy metal; they included the sub-genres of classic (Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden), thrash metal (Slayer, Metallica), death/black metal (Obituary, Burzum) and gothic (Marilyn Manson). As well as liking, they measured behaviora

examine the nonparametric procedure called chi square

Chi Square You worked with parametric statistics like t-tests, ANOVAs, and correlations. In order to use parametric procedures such as those, the dependent variable must be measured on either an interval or a ratio scale. Sometime, however, the variables of interest are categorical; that is, they are not measured on an interval or a ratio scale. For example, the categorical variables of gender, race, or political affiliation are not measured with interval or ratio scales. For this Assignment, you will examine the nonparametric procedure called chi square, which allows you to analyze categorical data. To prepare for this Assignment, imagine that you have information about how 20 nursing students and 20 psychology students felt about starting PSYC 3002 on Day 1 of this class. You want to know if nursing students and psychology students felt differently about embarking on the Introduction to Basic Statistics journey. You can find the data set for this Assignment in the Weekly Data Set f

Find a research article that reports using a mixed method approach.

Find a research article that reports using  a mixed method approach. Attach the article (or a link to it) in your initial post. Then, in 500 words, critique the researcher's use of mixed methods. Was a specific mixed method approach used? Was it simply a mash-up of different designs? What was done well (in relation to mixed methods)? How might mixed methods have informed this study in a way that solely quantitative or qualitative research would not? In two responses to classmates, please provide a proposed approach for improving the mixed method approach within that study. Within your response, be sure to refer to one of the approaches identified in the lecture. Describe how the study could be changed to use this approach, and what possible implications this change may have for what is learned from the study. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Classification of humans in Proverbs

Classification of humans in Proverbs 1. The Wise man(at least 10) 2. The foolish man(at least 10) Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

The perspective from which a story The Lady or the Tiger is written, is called the

1. The perspective from which a story The Lady or the Tiger is written, is called the_____________. 2. The time, physical area and situation described at the begging of The Lady or the Tiger short story is called the _____________. 3. The struggle between two opposing forces that the princess, in The Lady or the Tiger, is going through when deciding which door to tell her courtier to open is called the ___________________. 4. The feeling of tension created by fearing the unknown in which the princess decision is based, is called 5. The central idea of the story, which is applied to a wide world situation is called the 6. The _________________ is the king’s character in The Lady or the Tiger which opposes the main character, the princess; he appears as the villain. 7. The __________________ is the point of highest interest, in which the princes has to decide what to reveal to her courtier in the story. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a 

examine the social control of youth by exploring the history of youth social control

examine the social control of youth by exploring the history of youth social control. This history will provide context for understanding the development of juvenile corrections/interventions. This history also contains some important lessons, including cautionary tales, about how we might respond to youths’ problem behaviors today. Objectives Upon completion of this week’s lesson, you should be able to: Explain how the development of the concept of childhood contributed to the development of separate correctional institutions for children. Describe the factors that contributed to the social control of children in Colonial villages and towns. Describe the social context that gave rise to the first correctional programs for youths in the U.S. Describe the development and operation of the houses of refuge, placing out, probation, and training/industrial/reform schools. Assess common problems that confronted early correctional responses to youths Explain how juvenile corrections

read about ovarian teratomas. This diagnosis, although rare, can cause patients to present with psychiatric symptoms

read about ovarian teratomas. This diagnosis, although rare, can cause patients to present with psychiatric symptoms. However, if not discovered, the patient can end up in respiratory arrest and/or cardiac arrest on the psychiatric unit. Think back over your experience to a time when a misdiagnosis may have had serious consequences to a patient. Research the disease and discuss it. What are the clinical manifestations? What are common differential diagnoses? How common is the disease? What are the potential consequences of misdiagnosis? How can misdiagnosis be prevented? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

reflect on what you learned about leadership styles and approaches.

reflect on what you learned about leadership styles and approaches. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you: Analyze the interviewee's responses. Summarize what you learned from your interview. Explain how you would apply what you learned into your own leadership responsibilities. Distinguish the differences between management and leadership. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Journal Entry Instructions Watch, read, or listen to a political broadcast of any kind for 15-30 minutes

Journal Entry Instructions Each week, watch, read, or listen to a political broadcast of any kind for 15-30 minutes. This could be reading an article in the newspaper or online, watching the news on television, YouTube, or another source, and even watching political satire such as John Oliver or the Daily Show. So long as the source presents political information in an accurate way, it generally qualifies as a political source for the purposes of this assignment. If you are unsure if your source qualifies, ask me before using it. Assignment Instructions ● Watch, read, or listen to a political broadcast of any kind for 15-30 minutes each week. ● Using the template provided online, fill in the necessary information listed at the top. ● Using the template provided online, provide me a 2 paragraph summary and a 2 paragraph personal opinion of the article. These must be your own words and quotes should be used sparingly. ● Sources may be used twice, regardless of the format of

Discuss a scenario in which a contract dispute could impact the employer–employee relationship

Discuss a scenario in which a contract dispute could impact the employer–employee relationship. Give details of the scenario, the contract, the parties involved, and how the relationship is impacted. • When could a tort claim impact the employer–employee relationship? Discuss the scenario, what tort action is, the basis of the claim, the parties involved, and how the relationship is impacted. • For the first 2 questions, identify the following: o 2 obligations that the employer would have o 2 obligations that the employee would have o 1 defense that the employer would have o 1 defense that the employee would have Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Identify the classes of employees protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Identify the classes of employees protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. • Why was Affirmative Action put into place? • Do you think Title VII and Affirmative Action are still necessary? Why or why not? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Budget Preparation And Variance Analysis

Budget Preparation And Variance Analysis Excel: In order to minimize errors, improve accuracy, and increase efficiency use formulas in all cells. If you need assistance with Excel review the week one questions thread. Included therein are three options to help you advance your Excel skills. Two links at the bottom are titled “Formula Overview” and “Excel - Basic Math”. The third option is Excel Essential Training (week one learning activities). The tutorials will help you with, in part, formulas and spreadsheet format.  Video: In order to gain experience and insight please review the following video. It is a simple presentation and will help everyone develop a basic understanding of flexible budgets. The video was created by a third party. There are additional videos included with the Bing search as well. Flexible Budget Example Flexible Budget Guidance: For additional information regarding flexible budgets please review the following. Click Here For More Details on How to Work o

Why is physical activity important for early childhood development?

Watch this video about physical activity being encouraged in early childhood- (it is a bit outdated, but the information presented is still relevant). Read this article Then answer the following discussion questions. 1.) Why is physical activity important for early childhood development? 2.) What are the main motor skill changes (both fine and gross motor) that might be occurring in early childhood? 3.) If you were a caregiver or educator working with young children, what physical activities would you try to implement to help them develop both fine and gross motor skills? How might you encourage caregivers at home to implement physical activity as well? 4.) What would be quality sleep and eating schedule you would recommend to a caregiver of a four year old girl? Provide justification for your recommendations. 5.) What a

What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? • What, if any, limitations exist within the FMLA that could cause an employee NOT to use the Act for an absence from work? • If applicable, how did recent legislation about same-sex marriage garner attention for the FMLA and its provisions? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Research recent cases (2015–2017) involving employment discrimination about either sexual orientation or religious discrimination

Research recent cases (2015–2017) involving employment discrimination about either sexual orientation or religious discrimination. Once you have identified a case of interest, discuss the following: • Name the organization involved. • List the facts of the case. • Analyze how the case was processed legally. • Indicate the outcome/resolution of the case (if there has been a final determination made).  • Was national legislation changed as a result of the case? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

What is the history of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)?

What is the history of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)? • Given the average life span of Americans and current retirement trends, do you think the ADEA needs to be revisited? Why or why not? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

As the human resources manager, it is your responsibility to keep all human resource employees informed about current employment laws

As the human resources manager, it is your responsibility to keep all human resource employees informed about current employment laws. You want to empower employees with resources that they can use independently to research employment law issues and policies. Using Excel, create a table that will be placed on the company's intranet as an employment law reference. You and your employees will be able to add to this document, so you will focus on the following 4 areas of employment law to begin: • Wages and Hours of Work • Safety and Health Standards • Family and Medical Leave • Whistleblower Protection For each area of employment law, complete the following: • List the federal agency (or agencies) that regulates this area. • Describe how the agency implements the relevant law and policy. • Provide a link to the agency's Web site. • Organize the information within your table so that it is logical and able to be edited in the future. Deliverable Length: Using Exc


1. W3CResearch a. How did the W3C get started? b. The W3C homepage lists number of technologies. Choose one that interests you and click on its link and read the associated pages. List three facts or issues you discovered. 2. World Organization of Webmasters (WOW) Research a. How can you join WOW? What does it cost to join? b. List one of the events that WOW participates in. Would you like to attend this event? Why or why not? c. List three ways that WOW can help you in your future career as a Web developer. Visit answer the following questions 1. Whatisthepurposeofthesite? 2. Whoistheirintendedaudience? 3. Doyoubelievetheyreachtheiraudience? 4. Wasthissiteusefultoyou?Whyorwhynot? 5. Listoneinterestingfactorissuethatthissiteaddressed. 6. Wouldyouencourageotherstovisitthissite? 7. Howcouldthissitebeimproved? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?

financial and reporting aspects of Sustainable Business Development (SBD).

financial and reporting aspects of Sustainable Business Development (SBD). During the past weeks we studied the corporate social responsibility and environmental aspects of the “Triple Bottom Line”, all of our readings related the SBD strategies to a financial impact – either positive or negative. To what extent should the financial impacts and performance results of SBD be reported to stakeholders? Is it just good P.R. (i.e., the billions we invested in “green”) or does reporting in detail generate a vulnerability to competitor intelligence gathering? Do the “tree huggers” or the governmental watchdogs really care about the numbers? What are the interests of current and potential investors? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Describe the results of your assessment of the work processes and key employees to be addressed in your final paper.NY&Co

Targeted Work Class Write a 1000-1200 word paper: • Describe the results of your assessment of the work processes and key employees to be addressed in your final paper.NY&Co • Discuss how the organization will change while meeting its strategic challenges in the future. • Include the kinds of workers will be needed; what knowledge, skills, and abilities will be appropriate; what is the compensation system and is it reflective of the market’s conditions? In addition to the requirements above, your paper: • Must be double-spaced and 12 point font • Must be formatted according to APA style • Must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement • Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph • Must reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook Must include a reference page written in APA format Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Clic

Goal-Driven Organizations

Goal-Driven Organizations Using Figure 5.4 on page 139 of your textbook, describe how to use the model to set developmental goals for the employee population. Are balanced goals important? Explain. Support your post with at least one current and relevant article from the Ashford Library database. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Strategic HRM and KSAs

Strategic HRM and KSAs Discuss the relationships among KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities), job analysis, organizational strategy, and HR activities. What are the KSAs needed by the firm to achieve the strategy and what KSAs are currently resident? How does the firm grow its KSAs you selected in Week One NY&Co to meet the strategic challenge? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

video on ethics and compliance

Watch the following video on ethics and compliance In the video, Ethics and Compliance, the presenter examines a number of ethical issues and offers how countries deal with them. What do you think of the presenter’s observations as they relate to the role of business ethics in the 21st century? What are some of the ethical challenges for businesses in the 21st century arising out of the advancements in information technology and increased emphasis on globalization, and how are these challenges likely to impact the approaches businesses take in confronting them. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Evaluate the performance of the main activity of your selected company (performance of principal product/service)

Consider the same company ‘X’ that you have already used in assignment 1& 2 and answer the following questions. 1. Evaluate the performance of the main activity of your selected company (performance of principal product/service). What type(s) of criteria do you use to evaluate this performance? 2. What type(s) of control of employees and production processes is/are used by your selected company? 3. How does the corporation manage the environmental risks? 4. Evaluate the competitive advantage of the corporation on its market. Suggest some recommendations for the managers of your selected company to improve this competitive advantage. End of the project Section 2 = Discussion Questions. Questions Discuss the following questions: 1. Is the evaluation and control process appropriate for a corporation that emphasizes creativity? Are control and creativity compatible? Explain. - Max 300 words 2. How can corporate culture be changed? Give examples. Max 250 words 3. How is the

Relate the stock price to price-to-earnings ratio.

Relate the stock price to price-to-earnings ratio. Explain the market capitalization and what it means to the investor. Evaluate trends in stock price, dividend payout, and total stockholders’ equity. Relate recent events or market conditions to the trends you identified. Determine, based on your analysis, whether you think the organization is going to meet its financial goals, the outlook for growth and sustainability, and explain why you recommend this stock for purchase. Select a Fortune 500 company or another company you are familiar with. Consider pharmaceuticals, computer hardware, retail, or automotive industries for your selection. If you choose a company that is not in the Fortune 500, ensure that enough financial information and key performance indicator results are available to complete the assignment. Imagine your manager has asked you to help with a presentation on the company’s financial performance at the company’s annual meeting. Research financial information and

A Restaurant have an interested in creating a new grading system for their customers

A Restaurant have an interested in creating a new grading system for their customers. This is critical as the restaurant wants to delivery high standard satisfaction outcomes to improve and standardize the quality of the service they deliver and to have the possibility to partnership with other restaurantsin the region.The new system ideally should assess fairly the waiters and waitresses, the cooks, and the suppliers. • Analyze the main clients and stakeholders (restaurants, customers, suppliers) and build a research method to assess the actual picture of satisfaction of all stockholders. This method will to assess the new grading system as soon as the project is put into practice in the restaurant. • Identify and prepare the information to convince your boss that your project makes sense and it is necessary to put into practice. You need to be convincing. Prepare a power point with 5 slides that you will have to use to convince the board of directors. Enclose it in Moodle too. •

Explain with examples (3) of the product and service design considerations/factors.

Question 1: Explain with examples (3) of the product and service design considerations/factors. Question 2: In details Explain the dimensions of product quality. Question 3: A female tailor buys fabric in 100-meter rolls. She uses 125 rolls per year to fabricate coloured Abayyas. The ordering cost is 20 SR per order and the annual carrying cost is 2 SR per roll. What is the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) for this business? How many orders the tailor needs to make every year to run her business? What is the length of each order cycle in days if she works 200 days only? Compute the total cost of ordering and carrying the fabric rolls. Question 4: A small software development project has nine major activities.  The times are estimated and provided in the table below.  Activity Immediate Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ……… Predecessor Optimistic Most Li

The Joint Planning Process (JPP)

TheJoint Planning Process (JPP) Exam is worth 60% of the C500 grade and is due at the end of the block, after lesson C515.  Specifically, this exam has ten requirements for you to apply the JPP to an operational scenario.  You may use the C500 online lessons and readings to help you answer the exam; moreover, you should not start the exam until you have finished the C500 block of instruction.    All work must be your own.  Do not discuss this examination or your answers with anyone other than a Department of Distance Education (DDE) instructor or your academic advisor.  Your answers to the exam questions must be typed and double-spaced throughout, and must use Times New Roman 12-pitch font and one-inch margins.  Write your answers as complete sentences, not as bulletized comments.  This assignment does not have an associated CGSC Form 1009W Writing Evaluation.  The primary reading for the exam is Chapter II “Operation Chromite” of Joint Military Operations Historical Collection (dat

Two – Database programming evaluation practical

Two – Database programming evaluation practical The MIS602 Data Modelling & Database Design subject is designed for you to progressively add to your understanding of data and database management and its relevance with in business context. It also introduces you to some of the key features of database management system and designing database systems that will feature in later modules of this topic. In order for you to do well in this subject, it is imperative that you undertake all of the learning activities in the modules. The learning activities are presented as a way of scaffolding your learning so that you can attempt the building blocks of the assessments and be in a safe environment to fail and to learn from them. Therefore, doing your learning activities and seeking feedback from them from peers and from the learning facilitator is the single best way of preparing for doing well in this assessment. Instructions: You need to create the database tables as per below e

Epithelial cells of the kidneys have pumps that drive the transcellular transport of sodium ions

1. Epithelial cells of the kidneys have pumps that drive the transcellular transport of sodium ions: a. Is this epithelium likely to be simple or stratified? -Why? b. The movement of sodium ions drives the transcellular transport of water. Why water follows sodium? 2. Why is it difficult for a mature multinucleate cell such as a skeletal muscle fiber to divide by mitosis? What is the difference between connective tissues and epithelial tissue? 3. Proteins are the building blocks of life. Every cell in the human body contains protein. Which organelles are likely to be abundant in cells such as fibroblasts that actively produce and secrete protein which fuel cells, tissues, and organs? Address each question asked in a single essay-style document with each topic separated with APA level headings, include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. The formatting for your submission is as follows: Submissions should be in .doc file format. Support your answers with scholarly resources.

Write a brief summary of your company’s letter to shareholders

Find an article that discusses the merits, reliability and/or usefulness to investors of shareholder letters in annual reports (i.e., the letter to shareholders from the CEO or Chairman of the Board that appears at the beginning of company annual reports). Briefly summarize the article (properly referenced and cited) in the first half of your Assignment. Then, read Jeff Bezos’ Letter to Shareholders in Amazon’s 2018 annual report and the letter that appeared in the 1997 annual report at the following website: In the second half of your assignment, do the following: List      one statement, issue or item that stands out to you in the 2018 letter.      Explain in a paragraph why you found this item interesting or important. List      one statement, issue or item that stands out to you in the 1997 letter.      Explain in a paragraph why you found this item interesting or important. In      one final

Type of study or research design employed

Objective:  The Capstone paper should reflect the overall goals and objectives (stated in Field Learning Agreement or the Capstone Project Approval Form) and provide details of the project completed. This assignment integrates the knowledge, skills and abilities learned in the program through a capstone project. It is intended to strengthen and synthesize skills related to management, leadership, business law, ethics, epidemiology, financial management, marketing, health care policies, human resource management, information system management and research. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: GUIDELINES (20%): This section should detail what you did. The reader should be able to essentially replicate your project based on what is included in this section. You should include the following: Type of study or research design employed (Recommended resource: Parameters of your study      population (sample size, relevant participant in

look at datasets that relate to threat information whether physical or technological

look at datasets that relate to threat information whether physical or technological. Once these datasets are found then you are to analyze using an analtyics tools such as RapidMiner, R Studio, or Python. Create a presntation regarding your findings. Also attach your datasets. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Managing Union Handbook

Managing Union Handbook In a 6- to 10-page paper, as the local Union President, design a managing union handbook for union relationship building and a process that favors union employees as well as identifying key components of the bargaining process that can easily be sold to your union members. Apply theory and design systems and policies throughout your work covering: Contextual factors (historical and legislative) that have impacted and still impact the union environment; policies that create a more sustainable union model; management strategy for union collective bargaining that includes: innovative wage, benefit, and non-wage factors; and employee engagement and involvement strategies that take into consideration the diverse and changing labor force. Requirements: Your handbook should be 6-10 pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages, which are required. Cite 4-6 sources for this assignment, outside of the textbook. Click Here For More Details on How to

specific types of data

specific types of data. For this week’s discussion forum, look through your favorite news sources and identify an article on science reporting. Your example should summarize a scientific article by explaining the goal of the project, its findings, and the reporter’s take on the project. Remember to cite your source. After providing this summary, analyze the project itself. Are there any weaknesses in this experiment? Use the textbook to discuss potential problems in sample size, variables, collection errors, assumptions, or bias. While responding to classmates, compare their findings to your own. Why should we be extra wary of science reporting in the news? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information. The types of information these criminals are seeking can vary, but when individuals are targeted the criminals are usually trying to trick you into giving them your passwords or bank information, or access your computer to secretly install malicious software - that will give them access to your passwords and bank information as well as giving them control over your computer. Explain a scenario where you or someone you know may have unknowingly given too much personal information to a stranger. How could this situation have been avoided? Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

What are some suggestions that you would like to share regarding disseminating your research findings

What are some suggestions that you would like to share regarding disseminating your research findings? How would you present them for presentation or defense? Additionally, discuss the rationale and responsibilities for publication of your research. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Creative Arts In Early Childhood Powerpoint

Creative Arts In Early Childhood Powerpoint Finding two scholarly peer-reviewed research articles on the topic of developmentally appropriate ways of teaching creative arts to young children. Students will be responsible for summarizing and critiquing these articles. Students will then present the information found in these articles by submitting a research Power Point presentation. The student will select a topic based on the course content and perform research and prepare a presentation with 3-5 APA formatted references.  The PowerPoint must be structured based on the Journal Article Research and Review Power Point Rubric posted in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubric section on the front page of the course. Outline of your PowerPoint You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation highlighting your research articles you found on developmentally appropriate methods for teaching creative arts (visual arts, drama, music, singing, or dance) to young children with a defined learning goal i

design a managing union handbook for union relationship building and a process that favors union employees

In a 6- to 10-page paper, as the local Union President, design a managing union handbook for union relationship building and a process that favors union employees as well as identifying key components of the bargaining process that can easily be sold to your union members. Apply theory and design systems and policies throughout your work covering: Contextual factors (historical and legislative) that have impacted and still impact the union environment; policies that create a more sustainable union model; management strategy for union collective bargaining that includes: innovative wage, benefit, and non-wage factors; and employee engagement and involvement strategies that take into consideration the diverse and changing labor force. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Nursing Research Final Phase

Nursing Research Final Phase The final submission is basically the combination of the other four phases into one paper. This paper will need to be corrected with all of the feedback provided from previous papers. Include on this paper a conclusion and learning experiences from the essentials and from the class. Phase 1-Planning Phase 1 is the planning stage of a research project; students are to prepare a 4-5 page paper identifying a specific topic that you would like to investigates and relates to transitional nursing. You will provide a brief introduction to the situation by utilizing published nursing research articles to support your statement. This paper will also include 1- Introduction to the Problem 2- Clearly Identify the Problem 3- Significance of the problem to Nursing 4- Purpose of the research 5- Research questions 6- Master's Essentials that aligned with your topic Phase 2-Design (Due by WEEK 6) Students will continue their research topic, in this paper stu

Nursing theorist PowerPoint Presentation

Theorist PowerPoint Presentation Please choose any nursing theorist that is presented in this course. Follow the information below for the PowerPoint Presentation. Ensure that you follow the grading rubric below. Provide feedback on at least two PowerPoint presentations. Title Slide (Title, You Name, School Name, Course Number and Name, Professor Name, Date) Introduction of the Nursing Theorist (Select any theorist from this course) Classification of the theory (Grand Theory, Middle Range, Practice Level, etc.). Discuss the model/concept of the presented theory (theoretical overview). Applicability to nursing practice (Clinical or Professional Examples) Implications for Nursing Research (How will this theory advance nursing practice?) Conclusion (Summary) References Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Smith and Parker (2015) textbooks. Reflection

chapters 27 and 28 in your Smith and Parker (2015) textbooks. Reflection In your reflection paper discuss concepts related to this week nursing theorists that are presented in chapters 27 and 28. The reflective statements are to help students recognize and understand the nature, scope and limits of scientific thinking and research. Your paper should be limited to no more than 2-3 paragraphs. Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper...... Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper?  Click Here and Get this Essay Done ………

Happy Trails, Inc

Happy Trails, Inc., is a popular family resort just outside Yellowstone National Park. Summer is the resort’s busy season, but guests typically pay a deposit at least six months in advance to guarantee their reservations. The resort is currently seeking new investment capital in order to expand operations. The more profitable Happy Trails appears to be, the more interest it will generate from potential investors. Ed Grimm, an accountant employed by the resort, has been asked by his boss to include $2 million of unearned guest deposits in the computation of income for the current year. Ed explained to his boss that because these deposits had not yet been earned they should be reported in the balance sheet as liabilities, not in the income statement as revenue. Ed argued that reporting guest deposits as revenue would inflate the current year’s income and may mislead investors. Ed’s boss then demanded that he include $2 million of unearned guest deposits in the computation of income or b