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Budget Preparation And Variance Analysis

Budget Preparation And Variance Analysis
Excel: In order to minimize errors, improve accuracy, and increase efficiency use formulas in all cells. If you need assistance with Excel review the week one questions thread. Included therein are three options to help you advance your Excel skills. Two links at the bottom are titled “Formula Overview” and “Excel - Basic Math”. The third option is Excel Essential Training (week one learning activities). The tutorials will help you with, in part, formulas and spreadsheet format. 
Video: In order to gain experience and insight please review the following video. It is a simple presentation and will help everyone develop a basic understanding of flexible budgets. The video was created by a third party.
There are additional videos included with the Bing search as well.
Flexible Budget Example
Flexible Budget Guidance: For additional information regarding flexible budgets please review the following.
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What is a flexible budget?
Based on the example, fixed expenses do not change with volume. Contrary, variable expenses change with volume.
With respect to the case study the same principles apply. The only difference is that our variable expenses will change based on sales volume instead of machine hours.
Sales Volume 2,640
Feed cost per animal 3.13
Total feed cost = 3,000*3.23=8,263
Advertisement, Bedding and Specialty Food Expense: Advertisement is a fixed expense at the 2,640 volume level (column F). As a result, column F, row 17 is equal to -0-. However, the expense is considered a mixed cost (fixed and variable) with the flexible budget (column H). Bedding and specialty food does not apply to the prior year income statement (column F). As a result, column F, rows 18 and 19 is equal to -0-. For further clarification my suggestion is to read the instructions tab.
Variance and Variance Explanation: A variance is the difference between two numbers. From a budget perspective we typically compare actual business results to our budget. Material deviations are analyzed to help us plan, in part, cash flow, revenue projections, expense levels, and to make informed business decisions.
Calculate the variance for all items listed on the spreadsheet (i.e. sales, all variable and fixed expenses, contribution margin, net income, and the break even computation).
Column J: Enter the difference between actual results and the budget.
Column L: Explain the difference


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