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Two – Database programming evaluation practical

Two – Database programming evaluation practical
The MIS602 Data Modelling & Database Design subject is designed for you to progressively add to
your understanding of data and database management and its relevance with in business context. It
also introduces you to some of the key features of database management system and designing
database systems that will feature in later modules of this topic. In order for you to do well in this
subject, it is imperative that you undertake all of the learning activities in the modules. The learning
activities are presented as a way of scaffolding your learning so that you can attempt the building
blocks of the assessments and be in a safe environment to fail and to learn from them. Therefore,
doing your learning activities and seeking feedback from them from peers and from the learning
facilitator is the single best way of preparing for doing well in this assessment.
You need to create the database tables as per below entities and complete the tasks listed
in this instruction.
Task 1: Create three tables with relevant keys as suggested in the above diagram
Task 2: Insert record of 10 employees in the employee table
Task 3: Insert record of 5 departments in the department table
Task 4: Insert record of 5 salary levels in the salary table
Task 5: Write a query to display the information about the employees in the employee
Task 6: Write a query to display the name of all the employees
Task 7: Write a query to display the name of all the employees and their jobname.
Task 8: Write a query in SQL to display the unique jobname for all the employees
Task 9: Write a query to increase the salary for all the employees by 12%. Display the
empname, jobname and salary after the increment
Task 10: Write a query to display the employee names with minimum and maximum
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Task 11: Write a query to display the employee id, employee name, jobname of all the
employees whose salary is greater than 90,000 P.A
Task 12: write a query to display the all the details of all the employees whose jobname
is Manager. (Hint: While entering the records for employee, make sure to add manager
as jobname for a few employees.)
Task 13: Write a query to display the all the details of the employee whose name is
Robert. (Hint: While entering the records for employee, make sure to add Robert as
empname for at least one employee.)
Task 14: Write a query to display all the details of the employee who work as a
manager and have salary greater than 95000 P.A.
Task 15: Write a query to display employeeid, employee name, jobname and date of
joining of all the employees who joined after year 2001.
Task 16: Write a query to display the list of all the employees whose annual salary is
within the range 55000 and 95000.( Hint: make sure to add the salary in this range
while entering records in the employee table)
Task 17: Write a query to display the list of all the employees in the descending order
of their salaries.
Task 18: Write a query to count the number of employees in the employee table.
Task 19: Insert a new record in the employee table and add ANALYST as their jobname.
The other fields can be added as per your choice
Task 20: Insert a new record in the employee table with the following data fields
employee_id= 1011
empname= Janet
managerid= 5095
dateofhire= 12-10-2014
salary= 90000
Task 21: Write a query to delete the record of the employee whose name is ‘Flynn’.
(Hint: Make sure to add a record with employee name ‘Flynn’ in the beginning.
Task 22: Write a query to update the salary by 15% of the employee whose employee
name is ROBERT.
Task 23: Write a query to find the number of staff working in each department and the
sum of their salaries.
Task 24: Write a query to find all employees with the string ‘Avenue’ in their address


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