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Elders Play an Important Role

 Elders Play an Important Role

At the Katl'odeeche First Nation Children's Centre, Elders play an important role in passing along beliefs and values.

"One Elder comes to the centre and brings her sewing or beading. The children will climb up into her lap to watch or to be comforted. Some of them are learning to bead themselves. Another Elder who does yard work at the centre is a trapper. Sometimes he brings in the animals he has caught so that the children can see them and learn about them. We also have an Elder who comes to our centre to cook traditional meals", says Elaine Rene-Tambour.

Rene-Tambour says that her community is proud of what the children in the centre have learned. "Everyone notices the difference in these children. At community feasts, they know the rules and etiquette of the drum. They are able to speak South Slavey with the Elders. Teachers at the school tell us that our children are calm and confident when they start school”.

Rene-Tambour says that she's seen first-hand the difference that a strong sense of identity can make in a young child's life. "Language and culture are crucial. Children are hungry for it. They have to know who they are".

Whether you're a parent, caregiver or health practitioner, you can help foster a child's identity:

Learn as much as you can about the specific culture of the child – its traditions, strengths and challenges. Aboriginal cultures are diverse (there are approximately 50 different Aboriginal cultural groups in Canada) and there is also diversity within each community.

Try to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of the child.

Support the child to learn and maintain his traditional language.

Provide regular opportunities for her to take part in traditional activities. Fish, gather berries, prepare and eat traditional foods together.

Provide regular opportunities for him to take part in community events. Attend ceremonial and ritual events.

Encourage meaningful interaction with Elders from her community. Children can learn respect and wisdom from Elders.

Support him to learn traditional stories and legends.

Provide her with books, videos, traditional games, dance and music that reinforce her traditional, family and daily life.

Speak frankly to him about discrimination.

Network with other Aboriginal parents, colleagues and Elders to share experiences and ideas.

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