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Recall the three stages of the project:

Phase 1: Introduction, problem statement, feasibility study, and project plan

Phase 2:Methodology to compare the old and new systems and thesystems analysis

Phase 3:Results of comparisonof the old and new systems and the systems design

In Phase 3 you will use the methodology developed in Phase 2 to compare the old information system analysis and design to the new information system that is cloud-capable, highly available, scalable, and secure.You will use the scholarly supported computing framework and standards (e.g.ANSI, COBIT, ISO, ITU, NIST, HIPAA, PCI) to benchmark the systems analysis and design of the old and new system.Once you perform this comparison, you will detail the results.  


This report must contain the following elements:

I. See the grading rubric for all minimums.

II. Cover page

III. Table of Contents (TOC)

IV. Every section must be well supported with scholarly information systems journal articles. 

V. Introduction and conclusion sections

a. Please update your previous introduction and conclusion sections as appropriate

b. A succinct, high quality, and well supported introduction and conclusion should be written

c. It is necessary to highlight the objectives and conclusions of the project

d. Introduce the primary goals of this particular phase, the coinciding objectives, and the outcomes 

e. The conclusion should be the last heading and conclude the current phase and state the upcoming objectives and deliverables in the next phase.  

VI. Systems analysis and design results

a. Follows a well-supported methodology including at least one framework and appropriate standards from scholarly journal articles

b. Uses objective standards accurately to benchmark the old system and the new system

c. Minimal comparison elements should include system:

i. Cloud/distributed computing capabilities

ii. High availability 

iii. Scalability

iv. Security

v. Note, these are projected based upon the comparative benchmarked standards

d. A final updated financial analysis that projects associated costs of both systems once the final design is completed

e. Discuss the managerial implications of the results

f. Uses excel spreadsheets, graphs, figures, and tables to show the objective comparisons of the systems

VII. Systems design diagrams

a. A minimum of two diagrams (2) are necessary for each required type, one diagram represents the existing system and one diagram represents the new re-designed and improved system

b. The following systems design diagrams are required that compare the old and new systems:

i. Entity relationship data model diagrams

ii. Class diagrams

iii. User interface forms

iv. Distributed computing network and system architecture diagrams

1. Design the complete information system architecture environment for the old and new environments

c. Screenshots are required for each diagram with a visible operating system date/time and unique desktop element showing that indicates it is your computer

i. No credit will be given for diagrams without screenshots

ii. Include the screenshots in appendices in the project report

d. Describe the systems analysis as you complete it in a narrative form and link in each associated diagram referenced in the narrative using an appendix

e. Each diagram will be assessed according to UML standards and a level of detail that excels beyond textbook examples

i. Note, textbook examples are simpler versions meant to learn and not as complex as industry diagrams often

ii. Our textbook is a graduate version of systems analysis and design.  If you need more undergraduate textbook support we encourage you to use Safari e-books from the Liberty Library.  Our undergraduate textbook develops the more foundational SAD learning using the textbook: 

1. Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., &Tegarden, D. (2015). Systems analysis & design: An object-oriented approach with UML (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.


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