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Your Life Skills - Case Analysis

Your Life Skills - Case Analysis relates to chapter 7 "The Ethics of Job Discrimination" by Manuel G. Velasquez, designed to reinforce the learning objectives of the course, and in conjunction with the final exam will provide a measure of your material's knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Your questions analysis and preparation will require for you to complete the reading for Chapter 7 Answer the following questions 1-4, related to Chapter 7 Case "Wal-Mart's Women" from pages 328 to 332.
Each question must be in an APA format, at least 300 words (full page) of writing, and properly cited APA. Also it should be at least 70% Original, the paper will be submitted via "SafeAssign" This is a research paper based on the case analysis and requires academic references (specifically your textbook and STATISTA data base)
Here are your case questions (Textbook: Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 8th Edition by Manuel G. Velasquez, ISBN: 978-0-13-383239-6, page 332)
o What financial impact do you think the lawsuit could potentially have on Wal-Mart? Do you think the women deserve to win the lawsuit? What if the outcome of the case cost Wal-Mart so much it had to lay off thousands of its workers and close stores?
o What are the major moral complaints of the females suing Wal-Mart? Do you believe these complaints are justified? Why? Wal-Mart has said that the case should not be heard as a class-action, but that each woman should be considered individually, and an individual determination should be made regarding whether she specifically was discriminated against by Wal-Mart, because each woman's situation is different. Do you agree?
o What factors do you think might account for the discrepancies the Drogin report uncovered?
o What, if anything, do you think Wal-Mart should do to correct these discrepancies? Should a company institute an "affirmative action" promotion program for female employees? If so, what should this program be like?
Instructions as to how to access STATISTA (Read Carefully)
Your Assignment requires that you submit at least two references one from your textbook and at least one from the database "STATISTA"
You will be able to access STATISTA database by going to your FNU Library "LIRN" (Access ID> 24439 / Password>onlinelibrary39) Once you have signed to
Go to your Business section
Type the topic to be searched (As examples) type: Female Earnings, Male Earnings, Female Salary, Male Salary in the Industry.
You will get search results for your selection
Click on your selection and it will display information to be used on your assignment (text, data, graphs, etc)
It will also give you a window for your citation (choose APA) and copy/paste on your assignment's references page
Use the data from the reports to supplement your questions' answers. Remember that at least this assignment requires one reference from STATSTA and at least one reference from your course assigned textbook. Not meeting these referencing requirements will result in a substantial deduction of points for your paper. If you are having problems in accessing STATISTA, I urge you to contact the FNU Library and request assistance with one of the Librarians which are knowledgeable and ready to assist you during the Library hours M-F 8 to 10 PM and on Saturdays from 10 to 5 PM. The "STATISTA" citation/referencing information from a Blue/Icon should be entered (copied/pasted) just as it shows up; but if it is the Orange/Icon you will need to enter the citation/referencing manually.
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