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"In The Penal Colony" - Franz Kafka

"In The Penal Colony" - Franz Kafka
In all of the short stories we’ve read so far, we have continuously asked the following questions in various ways: What does it mean to be human? How are our relationships with other people affected because of
inner conflicts? What are some struggles that we all share, regardless of race, gender, or culture? From contemplating the pitfalls of the human ego in “The Cask of Amontillado” to reaching an understanding about love and loss in “Good” and even witnessing the destruction and rebirth of the familial bond between two brothers in “Sonny’s Blues” – who are we as people and how does this affect our relationships with those closest to us? For this paper, choose a short story that we have either discussed in class or that is in your Norton textbook.
Then, select a character from the short story you like or are passionate about and examine that character in a thesis-driven paper. What is the character illustrating about human nature? The character you choose must be analyzed thoroughly using the text of the story, and one critical article from the Seton Hall Library. Characters can be examined in terms of their thought processes, behavior in the story, relationship to other characters, impact on the story as a whole, among others. However, you should focus your analysis to one or two of those areas, rather than trying to examine all of them.
Basically,what is the character you chose illustrating about human nature, or what it means to be human?
There will be a Discussion forum on Blackboard wherein you will post the short story you desire to use, as well as the character you have chosen to discuss. Every student should choose a different short story! Short story selections are on a first-come, first-serve basis. These need to be in no later than 3/14 by class time.
Questions to consider to help you develop your argument are:
- How does the character perceive himself or herself and how do they interact with other characters in the story? Why do you think they act this way and how does the treatment of other people reveal the character’s motive, flaws, weaknesses, or strengths?
- Why does the character make certain decisions within the text? What do these decisions tell us about the type of person the character is, or wants to be?
- Does the character have any specific flaws that affect his or her actions in the story? What do these flaws ultimately say about human nature?
- What is the character’s main goal, or what does he or she desire, within the story? Does he or she attain it? Why or why not?
Notes for Choosing and Utilizing a Critical Source
How have other critics approached the short story you are discussing? (There are numerous peer-reviewed articles on all of the texts within the Norton textbook on the SHU Library Database)
How have other critics answered the human nature question? Where do you fit into the critical conversation? Does your character fit the mold of what it means to be human according to your critical source?
How does your paper fit into a greater conversation that is taking place about your character and the behavior he or she exhibits?
Tips for Success:
- Thesis will be argumentative, and will not just answer the prompt.
- Paper will follow proper MLA formatting
- Body Paragraphs and main points should be majority of analysis and convey critical thought process about the character in relation to the text and human nature
- Paper should be organized, contain topic/transition sentences at the beginning of points and concluding sentences that relate back to thesis
- Secondary source is supplementary to help you prove your point, and not the focus of the paper.
- Paper should be flawless and devoid of grammar and stylistic errors
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