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United States vs. Cambodia PowerPoint Presentation

United States vs. Cambodia PowerPoint Presentation
Conduct research using the Argosy online library, your text book and the Internet regarding the differences in culture, management styles, and communication strategies between the U.S. and Cambodia. Analyze at least three potential management conflicts that may arise due to the identified differences and propose solutions for each to help combat these conflicts. Use at least one chart or graph in your PowerPoint presentation.
By the due date assigned, submit a PowerPoint presentation (approximately 10 slides) containing both your assessment of the differences, as well as the potential conflicts, to the Submissions Area. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Please be sure to cite, in proper APA format, the information sources you used both within the body of your presentation and on a reference slide at the end of your presentation.
Also, you may use PowerPoint’s notes feature to further articulate your reasoning for the selection of the identified conflicts.
Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsAnalyzed the differences in culture, management styles, and communication strategies between the U.S. and Cambodia.40Describe at least three potential management conflicts.30Proposed solutions for each potential conflict to help combat the conflicts and supported statements with reasons and research.20Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Included at least one graphic or chart in presentation10Total:100
M2 Assignment 3: General Education Reflection AssignmentAssignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Due February 21 at 11:59 PMAssignment 3: General Education
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Reflection Assignment
In this assignment, you will prepare a reflection essay related to an area in General Education. The General Education program consisted of the broad set of courses you completed prior to taking courses in your current program of study: for example, writing, social sciences, mathematics, natural sciences and humanities. Our accreditor requires Argosy University to measure comprehension of General Education knowledge and skills in students near the point of graduation.
The input you provide via this assignment will help us measure the effectiveness of our General Education to achieve targeted learning outcomes and will contribute to our efforts to always ensure we have relevant content in our General Education program. In order to complete this assignment, you will write a reflection paper based on your experiences related to the following General Education program learning outcome:
Multicultural Knowledge and Competence - Identify the cultural dimensions of human behavior at the individual and societal levels, and how their actions can be adjusted to impact local and global communities.
Reflection Paper
In a 1-page paper, address two out of the four items below. Include examples from your experiences, such as from past classes and assignments.
Do you think that a working knowledge of the cultural dimensions of human behavior at the individual and societal levels can be beneficial in your chosen career path? Explain your position.
In what courses do you feel you received an effective exposure to content that helped to raise your awareness of multicultural issues and diversity?
In what ways do you think it is appropriate to incorporate learning outcomes that focus on multicultural knowledge and competence in the General Education curriculum?
Based on your educational experience, describe how the program helped to prepare you to identify the cultural dimensions of human behavior at the individual and societal levels.
By the due date assigned, submit your assignment to the Submissions Area.
Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsSubmitted a 1-page paper.25Student responded to 2 out of the 4 items available.50Student wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.25Total:100
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