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Water Outage Scenario

Water Outage Scenario
For this assignment, students are required to answer questions about the scenario below.
You are the president of a university with an enrollment of 10,000 students. On Tuesday at 8:15 am, facility management has informed you that a major water main break has occurred outside of your main campus building near the site of a newly constructed research building. Law enforcement is also on scene as this situation is suspected to be an eco-terror attack.
Found spray painted on the wall was the following message: “Experiment on yourselves. This is your last warning.” As a result of this water main break, the following situations have developed:
· There is no water on the main campus and in the five large dormitories that house 2,000 students.
· The water main break impacts the HVAC cooling system and the data center for the campus.
· All building services, such as toilets, drinking water, water suppression systems, and dining facilities, are out of water.
· The damage is extensive, and it is going to take 36 hours for the water company to fix the damage.
· Due to the lack of water, the buildings must be closed per the health department’s health codes.
· Security and facilities management personnel will need to stay onsite to perform fire watch for the buildings and to escort the utility workers in and out of the facilities.
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· Security will also be assisting law enforcement in their investigation at the crime scene.
· The data center will not be staffed.
· No other students and staff can stay in the facilities.
· The students living in dormitories will require some type of temporary housing.
· The students on meal cards will require meals.
· The university will have to determine makeup policies for missed classes.
Review what you have learned about the purpose of the Planning “P” incident action plan (IAP), and Incident Command System (ICS) forms. Then, based on the scenario above, determine how you would address the following issues by answering the following question:
1. Assess the situation.
a. Would this situation require an activation of the university’s ICS? Why?
b. Would this situation require an IAP? Why?
2. Develop initial strategies.
a. What are the incident priorities?
b. Create three SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, time-phased) objectives.
3. Assign resources to the SMART objectives.
a. Are there resource restraints that the university may have for this incident?
4. Determine the next operational period.
a. What is the operational period: 8 hours, 10 hours, or 12 hours?
b. When should the next operational period begin, and why?
5. Determine which ICS forms should be used to complete the IAP for the university.
a. What ICS forms should be used to complete the IAP for the university?
b. Why did you choose these forms?
Your paper should consist of no less than two pages, not counting the title page and reference page. All citations and references used should be formatted using APA style. Additionally, students can use first person and opinions to answer these questions; however, please remember to support opinions with factual information.
Information about accessing the Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Unit IV,
In Unit VII, you will develop your final presentation, which will be focused on the protection of a selected critical infrastructure from a terrorist incident. The two parts in this assignment will work as the foundation for the Unit VII Course Project.
Part 1: Project Topic
Select the critical infrastructure for which you will develop your plan; you can use the same critical infrastructure that you used for your Unit II Project, or you can select a different critical infrastructure that is briefed on the webpage below:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). Critical infrastructure sectors. Retrieved from
fter selecting a critical infrastructure, develop a brief essay that meets the criteria below:
· Provide the background on the selected critical infrastructure/target. Please describe the infrastructure in your own words; do not copy the description from the webpage.
· Provide examples of potential targets (e.g., a power supply plant, water resources, a military base, a shopping mall, a full stadium during an event, government buildings, an airport, a city center).
· Briefly explain why the location is vulnerable to an attack.
· Discuss what type of terrorist event will hypothetically take place at the critical infrastructure. You can select any type of terrorist event that has been discussed in this course. Some examples include chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive (CBRNE) events. If you select a chemical or biological agent, be specific, and name the agent that the terrorist(s) will use in the hypothetical scenario.
· Identify the federal, state, and local agencies that will be activated in response to your incident, and briefly summarize their roles and responsibilities in terrorism planning and preparedness.
· Identify the homeland security programs that should be involved in planning the response to the incident.
Your essay should be at least one page in length
Part 2: Annotated Bibliography
In the same document, provide an annotated bibliography, which summarizes at least three scholarly resources that will be used for your Unit VII Course Project.
An annotated bibliography lists citations of books, articles, and/or documents. Each citation is followed by a descriptive and evaluative paragraph that identifies what the resource is about and why it is of value to your research; this is called the annotation, which can contain 100-150 words. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. The annotated bibliography will help you to organize your sources that will be used for your final presentation due in Unit VII. Each annotated bibliography entry consists of two parts: the APA-formatted reference citation followed by the summary for that reference.
The annotated bibliography should be at least 2 pages in length.
You are encouraged to view the annotated bibliography presentation linked below, which shows how an annotated bibliography should be formatted:
Columbia Southern University. (n.d.). Annotated bibliographies: How to write an effective annotated bibliography. Retrieved from
Parts 1 and 2 should be combined into one document (minimum three pages), which you will submit in Blackboard.
To begin this assignment, click the link below to access the webpage:
HLS 3305, Disaster Planning and Management 4 U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). Critical infrastructure sectors.
Retrieved from
Choose the critical infrastructure sector that you identified in your Unit IV Project Topic assignment. Once you click on the sector, click on the tab for the Sector-Overview, and then open the tab for the Sector-Specific Plan. This will serve as a relevant resource for this assignment (though you are encouraged to use any resources from this course).
For this assignment, you will develop a critical infrastructure sector profile by incorporating (in your own words) the information from this sector-specific plan as well as information from your Unit IV Project Topic assignment. Your profile should include the following components:
1. Provide a brief profile of the sector identified.
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a. Describe the purpose and importance of your chosen sector.
b. Are your sector’s assets important or relevant to the government, private industry, or a mixture of the two?
c. Does your sector have any subsectors?
2. Define the criticality of the sector.
a. Why is this sector a critical asset?
b. What are the ramifications/consequences of its disruption?
3. Identify the sector risks.
a. What risks threaten disruption of this sector?
b. Are there any interdependent risks (downstream risks or cascading failures)?
4. Identify partnerships.
a. Determine the governmental and non-governmental homeland security programs that are specific to your chosen sector and how they assess, plan for, and mitigate threats.
b. Evaluate the governmental and non-governmental homeland security programs for disaster mitigation and management as they relate to this sector.
c. Identify the specific roles and responsibilities of the local, regional, and national critical infrastructure partners within this sector.
5. Relate the importance and roles of operational security (OPSEC) and site security to terrorism prevention, preparedness, and mitigation as they relate to this sector.
a. Define OPSEC.
b. Describe the countermeasures to OPSEC issues in your chosen sector.
The completed assignment must be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. All sources used must be referenced using APA formatting; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Unit VIII Essay
For this essay, you will explain the five main components of operational security (OPSEC), and you will discuss how OPSEC, personal security (PERSEC), situational awareness, and the OODA (observe, orient, decide, and act) loop relate to potential scene safety concerns before a terrorist event occurs, after it has occurred, and while it is still ongoing.
Your paper should be no less than two pages in length, and all sources used should be cited and referenced using APA formatting. At least two sources should be utilized for this essay.
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