Case Study Details: For the incarcerated population in the United States, health care is a constitutionally guaranteed right under the provisions of the eight amendments which is the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment (see Estelle v. Gamble). This particular prison can hold in excess of 1,728 offenders and routinely houses between 1,600 and 1,700 women on any given day. This institution incarcerates all custody classes to include minimum security, medium security, close custody, death row, and pretrial detainees. The health care operation provides the highest level of care for female offenders in the state. The health care facility is a 101 thousand square foot, 150 bed, three-story building that cost the taxpayers $50 million dollars to construct and is a hybrid of an ambulatory care center, long-term care center, and behavioral care center. The health care facility also houses an assisted living dorm. The patient demographic includes women who have multiple co-morb...